The place where I start my day faces the double windows in my living room, which open to the west. Rain or shine, I love to pull back the drapes and enjoy the early morning view of trees and grass and leaves. Sometimes a squirrel will wander over, or a couple of birds might perch on the nearest tree limb.
It’s just an ordinary view, nothing particularly spectacular, but as the sun rises to a certain point, it casts a golden glow over the area. I feel like the Father sends it each morning especially for me.
That place on the couch is also where I go through my routine. Bible reading, devotional reading, then onto emails, social media, and my daily tasks. If I’m not careful, I’ll get caught up in the busy trappings of life and miss basking in the Golden Glow.
Similar opportunities present themselves to all of us throughout the day. A child’s laughter, the unexpected thoughtfulness of a stranger, hearing a special song.
As we start this new year, let’s be mindful of those opportunities, those times when the Father smiles on us with His Golden Glow. It only takes a moment to appreciate them, and when they’re gone…well, we either miss them or carry them with us for the remainder of the day. Don’t miss the moment.