I hate housework. It takes away from time that could be spent on other things, like cuddling with children, reading a good book, riding a bicycle, enjoying music, or writing.

On the other hand, I love a clean house, and housework is prerequisite to a clean house. I will force myself to take care of the most pressing tasks. I figure those boil down to clean clothes and clean dishes.

Does anyone like housework?

Maybe not all aspects of housework rank as awful. Some jobs are more acceptable than others. On a scale of worst tasks to do, I consider vacuuming even below cleaning the toilets. It hurts my back.

I know one woman, however, who loves to vacuum. She always grabs the vacuum cleaner after a church function and sweep the carpets.

It’s a sacrificial task.

I may or may not have heard her say she makes vacuuming part of her prayer time. I can understand that the noise of the machine drowns out all other sounds, so she doesn’t have that distraction. It also drives people away because nobody else particularly wants that job, so that eliminates another distraction.

Vacuuming doesn’t require much concentration, so it frees her mind to focus on her prayer or praise. After all, you can even go over the same area six times without any negative repercussions…just cleaner floors and some valuable one-on-one time with the Master.

I’m a hot mess in the kitchen too.

While I’m displaying all my faults, let’s not forget my lack of cooking skills. The ladies at church no longer ask me to contribute, and I don’t volunteer. If I have to get food for a special occasion, I know several stores where I can pick up something to donate.

In the event of a church-wide dinner, I can find my place on the clean-up committee. Only my grandchildren request my cooking on occasion…because they love me.

Quiet workers, I applaud you with great gusto!

To get to the heart of the matter, we all have different gifts, different callings. Some are displayed on stage or in books.

Others work quietly in the background, shunning the limelight. I have learned to appreciate those who never get the applause, knowing their gifts make it possible for me to pursue mine.

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